Methods of Scrying – Mirror Scrying


My favorite method of scrying is mirror scrying. Mirror scrying is an evolved form of water scrying, like crystal scrying. It’s simple enough to learn – you just need a mirror to scry in. Any mirror can be used to scry, but black scrying mirrors tend to work better. Regular mirrors are designed to reflect everything as brightly and clearly as possible, which can be very distracting to a scryer. Since you look for visions, not reflections, it’s much easier to scry using a black mirror. The size and shape of the mirror don’t matter, what matters is if the mirror feels right to you. It’s all about intuition. (Check out our selection of scrying mirrors in our shop!

Obsidian and Jet are two great materials for scrying mirrors. Jet is especially great because of its electrical properties. It is often said that electricity is associated with psychic ability. A shallow bowl or plate made of black glass also works well, provided it is curved and has no scratches. Even a small beach stone polished with oil will work for mirror scrying.

It’s important to take care of your scrying tools. When not in use, you should keep your scrying mirror wrapped in black silk or velvet or white linen. Some sources say you shouldn’t let anyone else touch your scrying mirror, since it’s your tool alone. Your mirror can be charged by leaving it out in the light of the full moon for a few hours. Like crystal scrying, this is usually done about once a month, but experiment to see what works best for you.


When using your mirror to scry, you don’t need to angle it the way you would to look into a regular mirror. Remember, you’re seeking visions, not reflections, so you can leave the mirror flat on the table in front of you or stand it up any way you want. It can help to imagine the surface of the mirror is liquid and that you’re looking far into its depths. 

As you begin scrying, just like the crystal method, you will start to see smoke or clouds. At first, the mirror will brighten to gray, then colors will begin coming and going quickly across the mirror’s surface. You will see all sorts of colors pass through. Each color has its own meaning, though you shouldn’t attach too much importance to these colors unless they are persistent and keep returning. The colors can be interpreted by this chart from Donald Tyson’s book Scrying for Beginners:

White - in general, good
       Pure white - truth, purity of purpose
       Brilliant white - spirituality, joy
       White shot with gold - revelation, prophecy
       Cream white - presence of angels
Yellow - in general, intellect
       Bright yellow - playfulness, mind games
       Pale yellow - abstract thought
       Yellow ochre - willfulness, mental dominance
       Golden yellow - creativity
Orange - in general, ambition
       Dark orange - pride
       Bright orange - achievement
       Pale orange - knowledge, teaching
       Dirty orange - selfishness
Red - in general, anger
       Scarlet-orange - indignation, righteous anger
       Vivid scarlet - fury, rage, violent impulse
       Dull crimson - sexual desire
       Bright crimson - emotional love, friendship
       Rose - spiritual love, devotion
Green - in general, desire
       Gray-green - deceitfulness
       Dark green flecked with scarlet - jealousy
       Spring green - flirting, teasing
       Emerald - sympathy, empathy
Blue - in general, devotion
       Deep blue - adoration
       Sky blue - self-sacrifice
       Pale slate - religious awe
       Blue-white - superstitious fear
       Violet-blue - idealism
Purple - in general, health
       Red-purple - animal vitality
       Dark purple - brooding, obsessive thoughts
       Pale purple - weakness, sickness
       Dirty brown-purple - insanity
       Blue-purple - perverse fantasies, erotic dreams
Brown - in general, materialism
       Bright brown - acquisitiveness
       Dull brown - miserliness, hoarding
       Rust - prideful possession, vanity
       Dark brown - envy, collecting mania
Gray - in general, sorrow
       Deep slate gray - depression
       Leaden gray - fear
       Putty gray - tedium, boredom
       Mist gray - emptiness
Black - in general, evil
       Glossy black - spite, vindictiveness, pettiness
       Dull black - brooding evil, murderous thoughts

The colored clouds you see in the mirror will not remain static, but will billow like smoke and move through the depths of the mirror restlessly. These movements also have meanings, but again, don’t attach to much importance to the movements unless they’re persistent and keep returning. The movements can be interpreted by this chart from Donald Tyson’s book Scrying for Beginners:

Clouds forming on the left - material matters, manifestations
Clouds forming on the right - ideas, insights, spiritual metters
Clouds moving left to right - approach of spirits, beginning
Clouds moving right to left - withdrawal of spirits, ending
Clouds rising - revelation, affirmation (yes)
Clouds falling - concealment, negation (no)

Some people don’t even see clouds when they scry. The colors and movement could come in the form of many things, like rushing water, flashing lights, or moving shadows. Each person is different and will have different experiences. Whatever they appear as, you shouldn’t have any trouble seeing them if you fix your gaze strongly at the center of the mirror and look through it like a pane of glass. 

Over time as you get better at scrying, you can start to think of specific questions while watching these clouds pass through the mirror. The clouds will start to respond to your thoughts and change color and motion depending on your question. You can gain useful information this way without ever having to see visions or hear voices. It tends to be more difficult to see detailed images than to see these clouds. Remember, scrying isn’t a talent that will necessarily come naturally to you, but hard work can make up for a lack of innate talent, so keep practicing.

When you see visions through the scrying mirror, they may appear tiny and far away. It’s important not to attempt to pull these images closer, as this will make them disappear. Continue to look deeper into the mirror at these images and allow them to approach. Don’t try to interact with these figures. They may acknowledge you or try to talk to you. If this happens, simply remain passive or nod politely.


To begin, you will use the same method mentioned in the previous blog post:

Darken the room and light with only a single, small light source such as a candle. Make sure the candle is located in a place that won’t distract you. The background should be basic, with nothing to distract you from your scrying tool. It is common to burn incense. Quiet, simple music can be played in the background if you so desire. 

Cast your circle, say a protective prayer, invoke your deities, and begin scrying. Gaze strongly at the center of the mirror and look through it like a pane of glass. Keep your mind blank. After some time, you will see the mirror brighten to gray, then colored clouds will begin to billow like smoke and move through the depths of the mirror restlessly. These clouds will clear to reveal an image. Observe it with an absent mind and reflect on your experiences later.

Once you are finished scrying, close your circle, thank your deities, and say a closing prayer. Extinguish your candle and incense and return your scrying materials to storage.

Next week we’ll talk about another method of scrying – egyptian lamp scrying! So check back soon!


Buckland, Raymond. Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A: Llewellyn Publications, 1986. Print.

Tyson, Donald. Scrying for Beginners. Woodbury, Minn., U.S.A: Llewellyn Publications, 1997. Print.

One thought on “Methods of Scrying – Mirror Scrying

  1. Nicely prepared and well written work. Your basic information and instructions are rather advanced which is good to see. The study of clairvoyance is often overlooked in the the ceremonial movements of magic users in larger groups I have visited. Your work is an excellent example of what can be done by an individual artist at work in the highest levels of consciousness and mindfulness if the flow of the information, images, colors and other relevant phenomena are related to honestly by the practitioner. Thank you for your time and contributions to the community of higher art.
    In Service,
    Kevin Mathey D.Div.


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