Pentagram Tarot Spread


The Pentagram tarot spread is a relatively simple spread that involves five cards. This spread will help give your querent a bit of clarity about whatever question they may have. What is interesting about this spread is that rather than past, present, and future, it shows origin and destination.

The Method

Same as with any tarot spread, start by having the querent state their question out loud or in their head. Next you or the querent will shuffle the deck, cutting the deck when you are finished (optional). Once the deck is shuffled, lay out the top five cards in the order shown below in the diagram.  

Interpreting the Cards

Below, I have included the method for reading the cards in the layout.

Use whichever method of interpretation you are comfortable with.

Card 1 shows the querent’s origin; where they come from. This tells some background about the question asked and the experiences that brought the querent here and caused them to form this question.

Card 2 shows the querent’s destination; where they are going. This tells where the querent will end up if they stay on the same path they are currently on; where the question is leading them.

Card 3 shows the challenges the querent is facing; what is difficult for them. This tells what is difficult about the question and what challenges the querent will have to overcome to find the answer and attain their goal(s).

Card 4 shows clarity for the querent; what makes sense to them. This tells the querent what they already understand, but may not know; parts of the question that already make sense to them. This also helps show where the gaps are and what information is left to obtain in order to answer the question.

Card 5 shows the querent’s ultimate goal. This tells the objective of the question and what the querent is hoping to get out of it. If this card does not align with card 2, that means the querent may not be heading in the right direction to attain their goal and that changes need to be made.

If you can’t seem to get a clear answer from your reading, try again once more. If neither reading is making any sense, put the deck away for the day and try again at a later date.

Example Reading

Here is a reading I did as an example.

This is the Shadowscapes tarot deck by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

The querent for this reading would like to remain anonymous. For the question, the querent wanted to know how their current endeavors would fare. I started by saging my deck and shuffling it. I then laid all the cards out face up before beginning. For the meanings, I used the booklet that came with the tarot deck.

My Reading

Card 1: origin

This position shows the querent’s origin; where they come from. I drew The Magician, reversed. This card is about creative block, lack of self confidence, inability, indecision, truth.

Interpretation: The querent has had trouble bringing their goals and dreams into reality. This may be because they’re not quite sure what it is they want. They have been unsure of themself, causing indecision and creative blocks. The querent has a lack of direction and is unsure where to go or what to do next.

Card 2: destination

This position shows the querent’s destination; where they are going. I drew The Lovers, reversed. This card is about lack of balance, apathy, disinterest, lack of energy, separation between heart and mind.

Interpretation: The querent will have trouble with their endeavors if they remain on this path. They will start to lose interest and stop being passionate about this venture. It may seem like their heart is no longer in it. It will start to feel like things are dragging and they are running out of energy for this project.

Card 3: challenge

This position shows the challenges the querent is facing; what is difficult for them. I drew the Eight of Swords, reversed. This card is about being free, powerful, assured, confident, empowered by the circumstances.

Interpretation: The querent needs to remember to make the most of a situation. Instead of focusing on the negative, they need to focus on the positive and use the circumstances to their advantage. They need to focus on being confident in their decisions and assure themselves that they are capable and things will work out. As my nana always says: “if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me!”

Card 4: clarity

This position shows clarity for the querent; what makes sense to them. I drew the Ace of Wands, reversed. This card is about delay, creative block, serenity, cowardice, fear of change.

Interpretation: The querent is already aware of their origin shown in card one. They know they have had trouble in their past with creative blocks and have delayed their endeavor because of it. There is a certain serenity in things staying the same, but the querent knows they won’t get anywhere that way. Although they are afraid of change, they realize they need to overcome it and move on if they don’t want to end up on the wrong path.

Card 5: goal

This position shows the querent’s ultimate goal. I drew the Four of Wands, reversed. This card is about failure, letting time slip by, defeat, sadness, tension, limitations.

Interpretation: The querent has been facing some tough times – this is apparent from the other cards. Their desires have been slowly slipping away. They strive to overcome these limitations they are facing. They are tired of feeling defeated and sad and they want to make a change. Instead of letting time slip away, they want to seize the moment and make the most of their days. Their goal is to break free from all the negativity and become a better version of themself. They want to see their endeavor succeed.

Final Takeaway:

The querent has been facing a lot. They come from a place of self doubt and indecision and if they remain on this path, they will find themself losing their passion for their endeavor with no energy to bring it back. This is not news to them, though; they are already aware of the problems they are facing. They know they are delaying for fear of failure. In order to fix the situation and bring back their passion, the querent needs to make the most of what they have. They need to stop worrying about everything going wrong and work on being confident in their decisions. Things will work out if they just go for it! In the end, the querent wants to be in a place where they feel strong; they want to conquer their fears and overcome their limitations. 

My advice for the querent would be to just go for it. Stop worrying about all the what-ifs and all the things that could go wrong and focus on what could go right. The worst that can happen is failure, but you’re already failing by not trying. You are strong and powerful and you CAN overcome the obstacles that form in your way. Stop hesitating and start doing. Everything will work out for you.

Next time we’ll talk about some more tarot spreads, so check back soon!


Fiebig, Johannes, and Evelin Burger. Complete Book of Tarot Spreads. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2014. 

Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun, and Barbara Moore. Shadowscapes Companion. Tenth Printing, 2019. 

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